Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Complimentary ‘marketing and mature audiences’ seminar offer, from rhc advantage – the UK’s only independent 50+ marketing agency

The UK’s ageing population  brings  marketers many challenges and opportunities.  There are now more adults and older people than ever before:   a group of people that is too large to ignore, too diverse to stereotype and too complex to second-guess.    To help businesses and brands understand what this means for them,  rhc advantage is offering a number of two-hour seminars, at no charge.

The first part of the seminar presents a comprehensive overview of the changing marketing environment created by an ageing population, using a wide range of data and research sources. This is based upon the extensive ‘Marketing and Mature Audiences’   research project, carried out by RHC Advantage.  The second part of the seminar is   a  facilitated discussion  relating the research findings to specific  aspects of the ’host’  business or brand.

The seminar can be held at the RHC Advantage  offices in London or Hampshire, or at client offices  provided that they are within 100 miles of London.  To qualify for the ‘complimentary’ offer,  seminars must be booked by 30th May 2012.

Talking ‘bout my generation?  Talk to us first
RHC Advantage is the UK’s only independent marketing agency to specialise in the fifty-plus  market.   The directors are Mark Beasley (planning),  Richard Collyer (creative) and Tom Wright CBE (non-executive), who is  Chief Executive of Age UK.   If you are talking to older  audiences ,  we can help you to gain insight, plan more effective marketing strategies, and create more relevant marketing communications.
For further information,  including a document  outlining  the seminar, please contact RHC Advantage at info@ rhcadvantage.co.uk or visit www.rhcadvantage.co.uk


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